For a complete list of Sourcegraph instances we manage, see our Site-admin access to internal instances.

Additional resources:

Deployment basics

Changes to the main sourcegraph/sourcegraph repository are automatically built as images.


Each Sourcegraph service is provided as a Docker image. Every commit to main in sourcegraph/sourcegraph pushes updated Docker images for all of our services to Docker Hub as part of our CI pipeline (i.e. if CI is green, then Docker images have been pushed). Images are first built as "candidate" images that are pushed to GCR to with the tag format <commit-hash>_<build-number>_candidate. The pipeline then runs a series of tests and checks against the images. If all pipeline steps pass the images are "promoted" and pushed to DockerHub with the tag format <build-number>_<date>_<commit-hash>. These are used by DotCom.

When a new semver release is cut the pipelines, will build a release image with the same tag as the latest release version as well. These are used by customer deployments.

For pushing custom images, see sg ci docs.
