Site-admin access to internal instances (dotcom, s2, rctest, demo) is provided through an auto-approved Entitle workflow. It will grant temporary site-admin access to your dotcom account connected to you email. Removing long-lived admin accounts largely reduces the risk of compromised credentials across our instances.



This is currently deployed only in the dotcom instance. Other instances are unchanged for the moment.

How it works

You can request access by typing /access_request in Slack, which will pop up the Entitle Access Request dialog. Set the Request type to “Search for permission” and in the Search permission box type dotcom. That will filter the list to [SET] Dotcom site-admin - Internal tool. Click that entry to choose it. Set your desired duration, make sure you add a nice justification and you're good to go!

Access should be granted in less than a minute and will be granted to your normal Dotcom account. Just refresh your session and you're good to go!

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Click here to request access now.



This requires users to have a verified email account as their primary email.

If you have any issues with the integration, please drop a message in #discuss-security.


This is an MSP called Entitler, with the code hosted in sourcegraph/entitle-dotcom-integration.