Interview FAQs

Hiring managers: If you're asked a question like this and you aren't 100% confident about the answer, please pass the question to the VP Talent and VP Operations.

  1. What is the company's latest valuation? (We share this when we give you the offer.)
  2. What percentage of the company does my option grant represent? (We share this when we give you the offer.)
  3. What is the total number of fully diluted shares? (You can calculate this from the number of options in your grant and the percentage that represents, but we're also happy to share this number.)
  4. Other details about options. (These are covered in the employment paperwork you will receive.)

Here are some other questions that candidates have asked (e.g., in the CEO interview):

  1. What is the current runway and the monthly burn rate?
  2. How much cash does the company have in the bank?
  3. Other questions about Sourcegraph's internal financial metrics.

Offer Letter FAQs