<aside> 👥 Team rituals help maintain healthy communication, boundaries, and expectations between teammates and as a team. Our rituals can and should evolve as our team evolves. It is welcome to iterate on and experiment with our rituals.


Asynchronous collaboration

In order to stay in touch throughout the week and support each other, we share the following in our #team-support-engineering Slack channel.

Synchronous collaboration

In order to get some purposeful face-time in with each other, we convene synchronously over Zoom for...


In order to keep the air clear with each other, we do the following:

When we are away from our keyboard (afk) or out of office (ooo)

If you are going to away from your keyboard (afk) or out of office (ooo) -- planned or unplanned, the team relies on you using your agency to make sure what you ensure there is a plan to cover what have committed to being responsible for. Please refer to our PTO guidelines for more details.