Please use Escalating issues to engineering

As a Sourcegraph teammate, you have the ability to report bugs in the product when you come across them. You may wonder if there is a specific way to do this and this is why this doc exists. This is a step-by-step guide on what is the correct way to submit a bug report.

The steps below assume that you have encountered a fault/an error that makes the product behave unexpectedly.


  1. Go to the Sourcegraph issue tracker.
  2. Click New issue.
  3. Use the template named Bug Report.
  4. Write a brief summary of the problem in the title field.
  5. In the body, describe the problem and be sure to:
    1. Mention what Sourcegraph version you are currently experiencing the problem on.
    2. Give any additional platform information (if you're hosting your own instance).
    3. Include steps that could help someone else reproduce the issue that you've encountered. Screenshots or blocks of code, as relevant, can help.
    4. Share what the actual vs. expected behavior is.
  6. Add the bug label by clicking on on the small gear on the Labels section and typing in bug. Also, if you know the team that owns the relevant product area, add the team name here as well.
  7. All done! Go ahead and submit!

Omit sensitive information

If you are submitting a bug report on behalf of a customer, keep the report as general as possible, purposely withholding any sensitive information that can directly (or indirectly) point to a customer.

Other useful resources

Bug → Reproduction Strategies