Please use this process to reach out to Engineering for issues, escalations or inquiry:

  1. Anyone in TS may receive a client issue / escalation; they route the issue to Support Engineering (SE) who logs it in Zendesk
    1. Note: anyone can create a ticket by emailing/forwarding to [email protected]
  2. SE attempts to resolve the issue without involving Engineering
    1. Resources to aid resolution process
      1. SE - Cody Debugging & Escalation Playbook
      2. Search Playbook
      3. Cloud Playbook
      4. Check if this issue has been raised by another customer (if so add ticket link to issue and check if the severity of issue should change in the next step)
  3. If SE is unable to resolve on their own, initiate request for help from Engineering
    1. Categorize the the ask: question, issue, or escalation
      1. Technical Escalations are issues that have a P0 or P1 severity level of impact
      2. Technical Issues are issues that have a P2 & P3 severity level of impact
      3. Questions are queries that arise when customers come across an unclear or undocumented question about our product (Question v/s Issue v/s Escalation distinction defined in the terminology section above)
    2. Note about Strategic Customer Escalations (List of All Strategic Customers)
      1. If the issue has been raised by a Strat Enterprise client and a fix is critical, TA should mark it as an escalation by using the following link on Slack or typing /Strat Escalation Request on #discuss-support-engineering. SE leadership will receive the request and mark it for consideration with Engineering
      2. SE will continue to drive the issue with EPD and will keep TA / AE informed
  4. Use the appropriate template (Use the template ‘SE - Request for Help - Cody’ for Cody & ‘SE - Request for Help’ for non-cody) and create a request ticket for Engineering using Linear in the appropriate team’s board
    1. Tag the tickets with the appropriate label - [question] / [issue] / [escalation] (transition to labels) in Linear
    2. NOTE: All information in the template must be provided with the request, including steps (/ attempted steps) to reproduce and technical details about the customers’ environment.
    3. Link to board
  5. Notify the appropriate team via Slack about the new issue (with a link to the ticket) and cc the customer’s account team (AE/CE/TA).
    1. Identify the correct team slack channel using go/whodoinotify
    2. While informing the team via slack also cc the engineering manager (DRI column in go/whodoinotify)
  6. If the issue is a bug, TS/ Enrique Gonzalez & EPD to assess whether this is an issue we want to fix or not. The decision will be logged in the Linear issue. If the decision is to not fix the issue, skip steps 8 to 12. TS to inform the client.
  7. Eng & Product teams to analyze the issue/escalation and provide an ETA.
    1. P0s & P1s will be analyzed and slotted into the Work in Progress or Next bucket. An ETA will be provided to TS and the customer.
    2. For p2/p3 ETA may not exist, leave the Linear issue in Status: Backlog. Customers will use Zendesk for tracking updates.
  8. Regular (cadence to be decided) status updates provided in the issue tracker
  9. Ticket is closed once Engineering has resolved the issue and TS has been able to help the customer deploy / address the issue
  10. Enrique, Ron & Aravind will track and report on metrics
    1. Zendesk issue metrics
    2. Linear - Eng related issue metrics
  11. Quarterly Retrospective - Should this have been escalated (based on the complexity of the underlying problem)? If not, what was missing to allow it to be handled sooner. Also, noted in the implementation timeline below.


  1. Question/Inquiry: An unclear or undocumented question about the product
  2. Issue: A bug, feature malfunction or a potential bug
  3. Escalation: An issue with urgency which requires quick resolution