We publicly document our interview process for each of the different sales roles and keep this documentation public even if a role is not open. Please see our careers page for the list of open sales roles and responsibilities for role expectations.

SDR interview process

  1. You apply.
  2. 30-minute Recruiter screen: you meet with a Recruiter on the talent team. Click here to see what to expect during a Recruiter screen.
  3. 30-minute Hiring manager screen: during this initial call, the Head of Sales Development will introduce themselves, get to know you, and answer any initial questions you may have. This stage is meant to be conversational and informative for both us and you. You can read more about our Hiring Manager screens here.
  4. Assignment stage: we send you a writing assignment to be completed prior to your next interview. Learn more about our SDR assignment here.
  5. We schedule 2.5-hours of remote interviews over Zoom.
  6. We check your references.
  7. We make you a job offer.

We know the above process looks like a lot, but we promise we move quickly! Our goal is to get all candidates through the interview process in 1–2 weeks depending on your schedule.

AE interview process (3.5 hours total)

  1. You apply.
  2. 30-minute Recruiter screen: you meet with a Recruiter on the talent team. Click here to see what to expect during a Recruiter screen.
  3. 45-minute Hiring manager screen: during this initial call, the Head of Sales will introduce themselves, get to know you, and answer any initial questions you may have. This stage is meant to be conversational and informative for both us and you. You can read more about our Hiring Manager screens here.
  4. We schedule ~2-hours of remote interviews over Zoom.
  5. We check your references.
  6. We make you a job offer.

The AE interview cookbook

Interviewing an AE from the Sourcegraph side? Check out the AE Interview Cookbook!

Manager, Sales Development interview process