DRI: Kemper Hamilton

Page purpose:

  1. Define how new hire and refresh equity grants are entered into BambooHR
  2. Outline process for obtaining board approval for grants
    1. Includes pre-board meeting audits, obtaining list of approved options granted, and entering approvals into Bamboo

Equity Basics

A few basics:

  1. Carta is the system of record for granted options.
  2. New hires option grants are recorded in BambooHR as ‘Proposed, Not Yet Granted’ options
  3. The board meets quarterly to approve grants.
  4. A granted option has been approved by the board. Once approved, People Ops updates Bamboo to reflect ‘Granted’ status

Entering Equity Grants into Bamboo

BambooHR is the source of truth for our equity grants. This process describes the data entry procedure for the Options section, located on each Teammate’s Profile > Job Tab. The Options section is used to populate the list that is sent to the board for approval on a quarterly basis. It must be kept up-to-date.

Entering a new grant

The People & Talent Teams are responsible for entering new grants. Managers may Requesting changes in BambooHR: Compensation, Role, and Promotion workflows, but should consult with their People Partner first.

  1. Navigate to each employee’s BambooHR Profile>Job Tab

  2. Scroll to the Options section and select “+Add Options.” Enter the following information:

    Status: Proposed, Not Yet Granted

    No. of Options: Granted options amount in [number of shares]

    Vesting Start Date: Date of hire or date listed on refresh letter

    Grant Date: Leave blank

    Certificate Number: Leave blank

    Equity Notes: Include Grant Type (see below). Starting September 2022, we will begin using the Equity Notes section to specify what kind of grant is awarded. Noting the type of grant helps with auditing grant amounts prior to board approval. Equity notes are not visible to Teammates.

  3. Click “Save.”

  4. Update status from “Proposed, not yet granted” to “Granted” only after board approval.

Grant Types

Always include a Grant Type in the Equity Notes in BambooHR option section.