Company data

Company data is any personal, confidential, or sensitive teammate or client information. This would include (but is not limited to): customer data and metadata, Sourcegraph IP, audit logs, security incidents, contracts, personal information about clients or teammates, and internal communications, such as email and Slack. You can learn more about this in our Data management policy.

Please review our Acceptable Use Policy, which will give further details on data handling expectations and device usage, such as use of mobile phones/tablets. Access is limited to Gmail, Calendar, Zoom, Slack, and Airbase on your mobile device, which must be password protected, screen lock enabled, updated with the latest software, and not jailbroken.

Setting up your computer

  1. Install Jamf Pro and Protect (Installing Jamf Pro and Jamf Protect on a personal computer). All organization laptops are required to be managed through Jamf.

    1. If you have a Sourcegraph-issued laptop, Jamf Protect and Jamf Pro are already installed. To check, open Launcher with Command + space, then search for Jamf.


  2. Set up Sourcegraph’s Computer Standards . All standards are mandatory.

  3. Check that your warranty information is reflected on your Apple device.

Note: All devices purchased through our partners will have been purchased with a warranty. If it is not reflected please reach out to Tech Ops. If you purchased the device yourself and forgot to include a warranty please do so within 30 days.

Ordering a Sourcegraph computer

If you would like to order a computer, please use this link to our Jira portal.