<aside> ℹ️ We value being open and transparent, so the Sourcegraph handbook is publicly visible to people outside of Sourcegraph. Teammates should follow the below guidelines when adding content to the handbook, to make sure we don’t share internal-only information.


Table of contents:

When to add content to the Sourcegraph handbook

To help everyone at Sourcegraph effectively use Notion for organizing and accessing information, we've established guidelines on when to add content to the Sourcegraph handbook wiki and when to add content to department teamspaces. Here’s a quick guide to help you decide where to store and look for information.

Sourcegraph handbook

Purpose: The Sourcegraph handbook serves as the central hub for company-wide information and resources that are relevant to most or all employees. It’s designed to be the go-to place for overarching documentation that supports the entire organization.

What to include:

When to use: Reference or add content to the company handbook when the information is applicable to the entire organization and not specific to any one team or department.


Purpose: A teamspace in Notion is intended for department-specific content that is relevant primarily to members of particular teams or projects. It’s a space for teams to collaborate effectively and store information that supports their specific operational needs.

What to Include:

  1. Department-specific procedures and protocols: Detailed workflows, SOPs, and guidelines that are relevant only to the specific team.
  2. Project documentation: Plans, progress reports, resources, and anything else that pertains to specific projects managed by the team. This may/may not live natively in Notion (that’s up to each specific team) but it should be easy to find in-fight projects by looking at a departments’ teamspace.
  3. Team meetings and notes: Agendas, minutes from meetings, and discussion points that are relevant to the team members.
  4. Role-specific training materials: Training resources that are necessary for specific job functions within the team.