<aside> ℹ️ Sourcegraph teammates will be editing the Sourcegraph handbook frequently to keep information up-to-date and participate in important changes in the company. This guide helps everyone get on the same page about how we organize Notion and edit the Sourcegraph handbook.


What is the handbook?

The Sourcegraph handbook is centralized documentation system that outlines how we work as a company. We maintain the Sourcegraph handbook in Notion as a wiki, which allows us to assign owners to various pages, set expiration/verification dates so content doesn’t become stale, and group/filter content based on common topics and themes.

<aside> ℹ️ Because we value being open and transparent, the Sourcegraph handbook is published to the web and accessible by people outside of Sourcegraph. Teammates should follow these guidelines when adding content to the handbook, to make sure we don’t share internal-only information.


What does it mean to be handbook-first?

Being handbook-first means using the handbook as the source of truth for answers and processes. To be handbook-first, we must:

We are a handbook-first company because:

  1. A written process is followed more closely and frequently than an informal one, which leads to more people and iterations to improve it.
  2. We believe anyone can and should propose improvements to a written-down process.
  3. New teammates can onboard more quickly by reading our handbook to understand background information and processes.
  4. When you go on vacation or to sleep, you can relax knowing that nobody will be blocked while you’re not working. They can rely on the handbook.

Related resources

Adding pages to the Sourcegraph handbook

Notion vs. Google Docs