We have an editorial style to help us keep our copy clear and consistent, and specific guidelines to write and structure content to make it easy for users to understand and act on.

Remember, we strive for effectiveness over correctness. Use these guidelines as a reference, not an authority, and always prioritize what's most effective for our target users.


Maintaining a consistent tone is crucial when communicating about our products. Whether it’s content for Cody clients, the search product, or the marketing website, the following tone guidelines will ensure our communication is effective and professional:

These examples illustrate how our chosen tone can directly influence the perception and effectiveness of our communication:



Conversational writing

Our voice is conversational. When we’re talking, we connect words with articles like “the,” “for,” “these,” and “an.” If we remove these from our writing, it makes our copy feel stiff and complicated. We can be flexible, though. If space is a limitation, the article can be omitted.