This section documents testing clusters and deployments.

Create a project in the "Engineering Projects" folder

Create a folder with your name here following our naming conventions. If you are an Support Engineer wishing to start your own project, ask for one to be created in the #dev-chat channel on slack. When you are done with the project, let #delivery know in the same thread you started in #cloud-devops so that they know it is safe to take it down.

How to manually start a test cluster in your test project in GCP

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account)
kind: StorageClassapiVersion:  name: sourcegraph  labels:    deploy: sourcegraph-storageprovisioner:  type: pd-ssd # This configures SSDs (recommended).

into a file 'sourcegraph.Storageclass.yaml' and executing

kubectl apply -f sourcegraph.Storageclass.yaml