We want to make sure you have what you need to be productive and happy in your role at Sourcegraph, so we've come up with a few guidelines to help you when you have work-related expenses. Below you'll find a list of some typical purchases that you would be reimbursed for, as well as a few things to keep in mind when expensing purchases:

Directions for how to determine how much spend you have left in each travel category, professional development, or desk setup can be found here for additional help.

Desk set-up

Full-time teammates

We expect new teammates to spend up to $2,000 for desk setup, which includes all the items in the "Desk items" section.

As a reminder, you don't need permission for every purchase, and we trust you to make decisions that are in the best interests of Sourcegraph. If you expect to exceed the listed amount on any purchase, however, please notify @sourcegraph/people-ops and [email protected].

If you don't spend all of your budget when you first join, it's ok to spend it later providing you remain inside the total budget.

Team-specific totals

Desk items

This not an exhaustive list. Please ask #ask-finance if you have questions about what items can be reimbursed using the desk set up budget.