<aside> ⌚ TL;DR: Secret scanning us helps detect leaked secrets in Git commits and repositories.

We use TruffleHog and GitGuardian to identify and resolve any secret leaks across the organization.



We utilize TruffleHog (open source) and GitGuardian (paid) tools to scan for secrets in the source code committed to GitHub. We employ both tools in combination to achieve overall coverage, benefiting from the strengths of each tool. TruffleHog has over 750+ detectors with validity checks, while GitGuardian is capable of flagging high-entropy strings. We prioritize unearthing true and false negatives over false positives.


GitGuardian adoption proposal document contains most of the important information regarding pros, cons and comparison with open-source tools.

GitGuardian Alerting

Currently all GitGuardian alerts are routed to #security-alert slack channel via Slack webhook configured in Integration settings in GitGuardian dashboard.

Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 9.36.45 AM.png

GitGuardian Support

For any technical support write to [email protected]

Incident Playbook

How do I access GitGuardian application?

How do I handle GitGuardian incident alert?

What should I do if GitGuardian misses a secret token leak?

Developer Playbook

I have received a report or message leaked secret or tokens in commit. What’s next step?

I don’t have privilege to revoke the token?

Operational Playbook

How do I add new sourcegraph org repositories for secret scanning?

How do I check failed secret scanning and restart the scan for particular repository ?