To take this quiz:

  1. Copy this list of questions to a new Google Doc.
  2. Write an answer for each question.
  3. Share the doc with your manager and add a link to the doc from your 1-1 doc with your manager.
  4. Schedule time with your manager to review your answers.

When formulating your answer, assume the audience is a new Sourcegraph teammate who is asking you the question on their first day. The goal of this quiz is to test your actual knowledge of these topics, not to demonstrate sales or pitching abilities. Most of these questions can be answered in 1–2 sentences.

This quiz is not a high-stakes pass-or-fail test. Try your best, and when you review your answers with your manager, be open about where you're confused or unsure. If your answers are incorrect, your manager will help you learn the necessary background information to get the answer correct.


  1. What is Git?
  2. What is a repository?
  3. What is a code host?
  4. Which code hosts does Sourcegraph support?
  5. What is a diff?
  6. What is a commit?
  7. What is a branch?
  8. What is code review?
  9. What is a pull request? What is the same concept called on GitLab?
  10. What is Docker?
  11. What is Kubernetes?
  12. What is a (code) library?