This guide outlines how to report events directly to Telemetry Gateway from standalone managed services (i.e. services not operated within single-tenant Sourcegraph deployments, and instead operated on something like Sourcegraph Managed Services Platform (MSP)).

<aside> ⚠️ This page covers the standalone Telemetry Gateway service and touches on adjacent components only - it does not cover “how to record telemetry” within single-tenant Sourcegraph, which is covered in V2 Telemetry Guidelines.


Before you start, please read What this service does to get a high-level understanding of how Telemetry Gateway fits into the user event processing system at Sourcegraph (”Telemetry V2”). In particular, note the following diagram exhibiting how the Telemetry Gateway service API is not intended to be the same API developers expose within their services:

flowchart TD
   subgraph Standalone service
   Client -- "Feature, Action, Timestamp, Metadata" --> backend[Service backend]
   internal[Backend] -- "Feature, Action, Metadata" --> backend
   backend -. "Authenticated user, Service version, client-provided fields" .-> api[full Telemetry Gateway Event spec]
   api --> tg[Telemetry Gateway]

Integration guidlines

Available libraries and SDKs

Telemetry Gateway SDK and API definitions are available in lib/telemetrygateway for external consumption. The library also includes some rudimentary helpers and generated Go bindings for the service API specifications that are also used in single-tenant Sourcegraph.

To authenticate with SAMS service credentials, please refer to SAMS machine-to-machine authentication and authorization.