<aside> 👥 We have introduced a variety of Professional Service offerings for our Enterprise customers, and plan to continue expanding the available services that we can provide. These services are intended to help our customers solve complex problems and achieve their goals and outcomes faster through tailored solutions and support services.


☝️ High Level Professional Services Documentation

🕊️ Professional Services Offering

Implementation Services

Dedicated, paid Implementation Services to design, plan, and provide hands-on assistance for Sourcegraph self-hosted production deployments projects.

Managed Services

Sourcegraph management of self-hosted customer instances. Use of Managed Services will typically entail badged and/or VPN access for the Sourcegraph team to oversee management of existing customer’s instances.

Resident Architect

Premium Support

Strategic technical success planning, tailored ongoing enablement, and hands-on assistance for adoption and utilization of features to tackle bespoke customer use cases.

A variety of packages designed to enhance the support experience provided to our customers.

🕵️‍♀️ Professional Services Offering Details

Implementation Services

Resident Architect

Premium Support

🚗 Services Roadmap

Below is our high-level prioritized roadmap as of FY23Q4:

Offering Description Expected Availability
Premium Support Premium SLAs for faster response times and dedicated technical support & expertise Available
Implementation & Managed Services Expert hands-on implementation services for self-hosted customers, including initial install and configuration, migration services, managed and maintenance services, and more Available
Resident Architect Strategic technical success planning, tailored ongoing enablement, and hands-on assistance for adoption and utilization of features to tackle bespoke customer use cases Available
Onboarding Jumpstarts Expedite time to value through dedicated and custom user onboarding against customer-defined goals FY24 Q4+
Paid Training Expert-led, live or remote training designed to upskill dev workflows and abilities FY24 Q4+
Custom Development Sprint-based execution of development projects which extend Sourcegraph's capabilities through API-based integrations, custom batch specs, and more FY24 Q4+