The Pings service is the service that collects ping requests from all Sourcegraph instances, and is available at

The service is operated on Sourcegraph Managed Services Platform (MSP).

<aside> 📝 There is now a generated operations reference for the MSP-based Pings service in Pings infrastructure, generated by sg msp operations - as the generated docs improve, some content from this page will be migrated away.


Service images

Source code for Pings service is in sourcegraph/sourcegraph/cmd/pings. The image gets built the same way as any other Sourcegraph service, i.e. with insiders, the standard main-branch and main-dry-run tags.

All images tags are available in the Docker Hub.

Local development

For local development, please refer to its README.



<aside> 📝 To get access to most resources, you’ll need to request infrastructure access.


Refer to Pings infrastructure (go/msp-ops/pings) for our new MSP-generated guidance.

Infrastructure access

Refer to Pings infrastructure (go/msp-ops/pings) for Entitle requests that are needed to get access to Pings service infrastructure:


The Pings service infrastructure is defined in sourcegraph/managed-services/services/pings utilizing Managed Services Platform.

Modify deployment manifest