Outside Employment (Paid or Unpaid), Projects, and Potentially-Conflicting Activities

Outside Activity Guidelines

How Teammates spend their non-working hours is up to individual discretion. While some Teammates take that time to rest and recharge, we recognize that others may wish to use their non-working time to engage in outside employment (paid or unpaid), personal projects, and/or potentially-conflicting activities (collectively referred to as “outside activities”).

While we are not prescriptive on how people spend their non-working hours, we do have some ground rules when it comes to pursuing outside activities:

Required disclosure and approval of outside activities

If you have employment outside of Sourcegraph, we require that you disclose and request approval if it exceeds** 15 hours **of your time per week. Approval will not be granted if Sourcegraph determines that the proposed outside activity would be a conflict of interest, inherently require disclosure or use of Sourcegraph’s confidential information or impair your ability to satisfactorily perform your job duties. Even if your outside activity does not exceed 15 hours of your time per week, you are encouraged to be transparent with your manager about outside activities.

Investing in and / or advising for other companies

We encourage our Teammates to be entrepreneurial and support them investing in and/or advising for other companies. That said, we have some guidelines. Please report the potential conflict to legal via this form if you are unclear about whether your situation presents a conflict of interest.

How to disclose outside activity

If you’re uncertain whether your outside activities, including but not limited to a second job, side project, consulting role, or investment, violates the above guidelines, it’s best to disclose it to the legal team. To do so, please fill out this form.

Violations of this policy

Teammates who engage in outside activities in violation of the above guidelines may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of the Teammate’s working relationship with Sourcegraph. Additionally, any Teammate who is not meeting performance expectations, irrespective of whether the Teammate is engaged in outside activities, may be subject to performance management processes, which may result in termination.