The Mission, Strategy, Execution, and Metrics (VSEM) framework is a tool for organizing and aligning Sourcegaph’s mission, strategy, and execution with the work we do on a daily basis.

This page is about making and using MSEM. To see the MSEM contents: ‣

Breakdown of each section

Let’s break down each section of the VSEM framework to better understand how it works

How will Sourcegraph use the MSEM?

Align and bring clarity to our mission and strategy

We haven’t directly connected our Mission > Strategy together in a cohesive way. By aligning our strategy (medium-term) to our mission (purpose) we can bring much greater clarity and focus to our execution plan (short-term) to achieve our goals.

Focus and prioritize work on the things that matter

We all have to make 100+ decisions a day on what to do and where to spend our time / money / resources. The VSEM should help create clarity on how, where, and why you should choose to spend your time. With better prioritization and focus, come better decisions and all around execution.

Bring transparency and accountability to our progress

Sourcegraph has not been good about focusing, measuring, tracking, and sharing performance at a company level. A simple, easily referenced and concrete artifact will help create a single point of reference to hold everyone accountable to their performance. This VSEM will be documented in the handbook, referenced in every issue of the Git Down, and progress will be tracked at company meetings.

Create a culture shift

We need to use this framework Every. Single. Day. Tools are great, but they are only as effective as they are used and used effectively. If we aren’t looking at, talking about, or using the VSEM every day, we aren’t doing our job (this includes telling the exec team we aren’t using it enough!). Culture shifts are hard and they are all about creating new habits and expectations.

Making the MSEM work at Sourcegraph

The execution plan is the process for how we will implement Sourcegraph’s strategy and highlight the necessary actions needed to achieve our mission. Each execution plan typically comprises a number of important projects and initiatives, critical decisions that need to be made, the allocation of resources, etc.

The MSEM will work if / when we focus our work, attention, time, and resources on the execution plan.