This page documents which licenses are usable at Sourcegraph. For questions, please contact #legal in Slack.

Licensing Sourcegraph code

All Sourcegraph code should generally be licensed under either:

Which one to choose is a decision that your team, manager, and product/leadership should agree on.

Open Source philosophy

Sourcegraph has an open core business model: it develops Sourcegraph OSS as well as Sourcegraph Enterprise. Like any open core company, we balance the need to serve a strong community, with the need to build a sustainable business that can continuously invest in its products. We are open and transparent, so we strive to clearly communicate our decisions to make a feature open source or not.

In general core value adds should be enterprise-licensed, while utilities, support libraries, etc. that are unlikely to benefit potential competitors should be Apache licensed.

We intend Sourcegraph OSS to:

We intend Sourcegraph Enterprise to

We intend all of Sourcegraph to be source available so that anyone can view our code.

Using open source code

Allowed licenses: Permissive Licenses