Our mission is to accelerate Sourcegraph's growth through legal strategy.

We provide high-quality legal advice to every team. High-quality legal advice at Sourcegraph is:

We manage the company's legal risk by anticipating major legal risks and building mitigation plans. Legal risk includes lawsuits and investigations brought by a third party, which can be a customer, competitor, user, teammate, partner, vendor, or regulator. We enable teammates to identify and weigh legal risks, make informed decisions, and accept calculated risks.

We take initiatives that improve all teammates’ experiences working with the legal team.


See our careers page for open roles on the Legal team.


You can reach out to the legal team a few ways:

SLAs: give us about 1 business day to acknowledge receipt and give you an estimated turnaround time. If you don't hear back from us in about 1 business day, follow up to make sure we saw your request. If your request is time-sensitive, let us know the ideal turnaround time.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions via any of the channels above.


Legal Team Resources