How to create a profile

BambooHR profiles are created automatically when someone is marked as hired in Greenhouse via integration. However, here are the steps to create one manually:

Creating a Job Title

This action is not always needed. We need to create a Job Title only when it is new to BambooHR.

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click on Employee Fields
  3. Job Title
  4. Write the new title on the field and click Add

Creating a profile

On the Home page, click on New → New Employee top right of the screen.

Complete as many of the fields possible. Look at the next section to know which fields we complete and how. Keep in mind that when creating a profile manually, the Options and Commission fields don't appear. You will need to go to the profile after it's been created to complete those missing fields.

Profile Fields and how to complete them

Here are all the fields in a profile and how we must complete them:

Personal Tab

Basic Information

Field Options Completed by Comment
Employee # Free text Automatically assigned
Status Active; Inactive People team/Integration
Name Free text People team/Integration Legal full Name
Preferred Name Free text People team/Integration Displayed name in all integrated tools (e.x: Slack, Gmail, Lattice)
Preferred Surname Free text People team/Integration Displayed surname in all integrated tools (e.x: Slack, Gmail, Lattice)
Birthdate Date selector Teammate
SSN Free text Leave blank
Gender Decline; Female; Male; Non-Binary Teammate
Marital Status Single; Married; Common Law;Domestic Partnership Teammate
Shirt Size XSmall-XXLarge Teammate
Pronouns He;She;They;Ze Teammate
TimezoneTZ Multi select: Timezones People team/Integration This is one of the most important fields to complete. It is integrated with Okta; Okta activation for new teammates is scheduled based on this field
Time Zone Free text Leave blank
Region Europe; North America - East; North America - West People team/Integration Teammates are grouped in these three regions. North america includes USA and Canada. All other countries fall under Europe.

In the image below, you can see in red the fields the People Team must complete before someone starts: