A guide for Sourcegraph engineers

What’s a Tech Lead?

Tech lead (TL) is a role a Sourcegraph engineer can fulfill on a Product Planning Project. So what does that mean?

The TL of a project is the Directly Responsible Individual (DRI) and as such owns the engineering success.

Here is a subset of the things a TL does:

But: how exactly a TL does these things depends on the project, the team, and the TL.

Here are some ideas and guidelines for how to do these things as a TL at Sourcegraph.

Set the engineering vision

Anything goes here, really. You can write a Google Doc, a tracking issue, an RFC, or a normal GitHub issue.

What’s important is that you have something you can share with your team members, your EM, Product, Design, and other stakeholders to communicate

  1. What are the goals and the customer impact of this project (“build an admin dashboard to show all foo widgets to help expansion at strategic customers”)
  2. What is the timeline (“~8 weeks of work for 2 engineers”)
  3. Who is involved - who are the team members, what are the dependencies on Design? a. 💡TIP: Try to avoid cross-projects dependencies. They have a high cost, and are always harder to keep track of than inside a small group of teammates sharing all the context. See if you can implement the part that depends on another project internally instead.