Data & Analytics FAQs

Below are answers to common questions teammates at Sourcegraph have.

I can't find a customer's instance anywhere in Looker. What's going on?

You can look up the installer_email on your customer's instance using their license key with this chart. You can then filter any of our enterprise dashboards by installer_email to see this customer's usage. If you try this and you're still not able to locate their instance, it's possible they haven't input a license key yet, or that they're "offline" (not sending any telemetry).

I’m looking for data about….do we have that?

Our most frequently used reporting can be found here. If you don't see what you're looking for there, you can try utilizing Looker's search bar to search for the report you need. If you still can't find anything, feel free to reach out to #discuss-analytics.

I’m using Looker and want to edit/explore a chart or dashboard, but I don’t have the right permissions. How do I upgrade my permissions?

Manipulating existing looker charts (adding a different filter, changing dimensions, adding a column, etc) requires the view/edit/create role. You can request a view/edit/create role in Looker via Entitle - This will allow you to edit and explore any chart in Looker. A link and instructions can be found here. Your Entitle request should be processed immediately - just be sure to log out and log back in to Looker after your Entitle request goes through.

For tips about how to explore data in Looker - see here.

What’s the best resource to see my customer’s cody usage?

You can use our Cody Customer Dashboard to see any customer's cody usage. Locate your customer's instance using the server endpoint filter - the server endpoint is the same as the URL the customer uses to visit their instance. Generally this URL is something along the lines of [customer] One thing to note is that currenlty we don't collect cody web usage from customer instances - so web data cannot be found on this dashboard.

We don't collect user PII from our customers, but if a customer wants to see who their "top" cody users are - this chart will generate a query the customer can run against their own instance to see who is using Cody. Be sure to read the description on this chart before using, so you apply the filters appropriately.

What’s the best resource to see Cody usage, generally?

How often does data in Looker or Amplitude refresh?

It depends on the dataset:

Why do I see different results when I look at the same data in Looker and Amplitude?