Purpose and Scope

The purpose of the collections class matrix is to easily determine both the reason for the outstanding balance as well as the responsible party for the collection. This is designed to provide Sales, leadership, and the Finance Group with an easy to understand guide as to the status of various receivables and the appropriate action items for those receivables.

Level Description Responsible Party
Class 1 No escalation - invoice current and following normal AR Process Accounting Manager
Class 2 Invoice is over 30 days past due but have sent 1st follow-up/customer has confirmed payment is being processed Accounting Manager
Class 3 Invoice is over 30 days past due and follow-ups have been sent to the customer asking for updates on payment - no response yet Accounting Manager
Class 4 Invoice is over 30 days past due, but Senior Accountant has been in contact with customer and is actively working on any issues holding up payment Accounting Manager
Class 5 Follow-ups from Senior Accountant have not received a response. Escalated to AE or Solutions Eng on contract for assistance on follow-ups to their contact. Senior Accountant to determine who the best sales teammate is to assist Account Executive or Solutions Engineer
Class 6 No assistance has been provided from account executive and contact with customer has resulted in no response Accounting Manager & Account Executive
Class 7 Invoice is delayed in payment due to customer delays in providing PO or a PO through their Supplier Management platform (Ariba, Coupa, etc). Both Sr Staff Accountant and Account Executive engage in follow-ups with their contacts Accounting Manager & Account Executive
Class 8 Invoice is delayed due to invoice getting lost in customers' automated accounts payable system. Both Sr Staff Accountant and Account Executive engage in follow-ups with their contacts Accounting Manager & Account Executive
Class 9 No response to Senior Accountant or Account Executive efforts. Controller to send an email demanding payment Controller
Class 10 Severely past due (over 90 days) and/or no movement after Senior Accountant, Account Executive and Controller have exhausted all efforts. Move on to Collection Action Plan Sales and Finance Leadership

See Sourcegraph Collections Policy for more details on the Collection Action Plan and see the AR Dashboard for the most up to date tracking and analysis of our open AR