Globally, many countries have laws that prohibit bribery, kickbacks, and other improper payments. No Sourcegraph employee, contractor, officer, agent, or vendor acting on our behalf may offer or provide bribes or other improper benefits in order to obtain business or an unfair advantage. You must avoid participating in commercial bribery and kickbacks, or even the appearance of it, in all of our business dealings. Even in locations where such activity may not technically be illegal, it is absolutely prohibited by our company policy.


  1. Commercial bribery involves a situation where something of value is given to a current or prospective business partner with the intent to obtain business or influence a business decision.
  2. Kickbacks are agreements to return a sum of money to another party in exchange for making or arranging a business transaction.
  3. A bribe is defined as directly or indirectly offering "anything of value" to influence or induce action, or to secure an improper advantage.
  4. "Anything of value" is very broadly defined and can include such things as:


No employee or contractor shall make or promise to make, directly or indirectly, any payment of money or object of value to any foreign official of a government, political party, or a candidate for political office for the purpose of inducing or influencing actions in any way to assist our company in obtaining or retaining business for or with Sourcegraph.

The exchange of appropriate gifts and entertainment is often a way to build our business relationships. However, you must conduct business with customers, suppliers, and government agencies (including U.S. and non-U.S. governments) without giving or accepting bribes including (but not limited to) commercial bribery and kickbacks