How do I get started?

  1. Login to our workspace (named Sourcegraph). If you don't have an account, post in #it-tech-ops or request one during login.
  2. Read the Sourcegraph <> Amplitude FAQs, view team-specific spaces below, or reach out in #analytics for help if you have any questions getting started viewing dashboards.
  3. Read the Amplitude help center and Amplitude docs for building analyses and/or check out some of our tutorials. As a reminder, you can always post in #analytics-review if you have a work-in-progress analysis you want someone else's eyes on. to get started building your own charts.
  4. Look at all the Team Spaces and join whichever ones are relevant to you. Learn more about Team Spaces here.

Why are we using Amplitude?

Amplitude is a product analytics tool specializing in turning event data into actionable insights and dashboards. Amplitude lets you analyze funnels, user flows, retention and more.

Why aren't we using Looker for this?

Looker is very flexible in that we can set it up for any purpose we'd like. The downside is that to provide a great self-service experience for questions about product usage, setting up Looker would take a lot of work. We get these capabilities out of the box with Amplitude.

What is in Looker vs. Amplitude?

Anything not based directly on analyzing event-level data is in Looker. This includes pings from on-prem instances, anything we get from the Cloud Postgres database and any data from third-parties tools (such as Google Analytics and Salesforce).

Any analysis we conducted in Looker before we started using Amplitude we can continue doing in Looker. We'll still maintain existing Looker dashboards and visualizations. Amplitude will help us conduct new and different analyses regarding product analytics.



Our Amplitude pipeline is connected to our table. The pipeline works like so:

  1. A scheduled BigQuery query runs hourly to extract the latest rows from and export the results to a Google Cloud Storage bucket)
  2. Amplitude has a GCS connector set up that checks this bucket every hour and loads any new data into Amplitude.
  3. The exported event data is now available in Amplitude for analysis and reporting.

The entire pipeline runs every hour so it can take up to 1 hour for data to start appearing in Amplitude.

Derived Properties