This guide presumes macOS.


Don't add title slides to videos

We almost never use title slides. Title slides are slides at the start of your video that have a Sourcegraph logo, a background, a title (like "Batch Changes demo"), and maybe a nice visual effect.

Why do we not use title slides?

  1. They make the video seem less authentic, which makes it less compelling. Developers already love watching videos of other developers showing things off.
  2. It takes a lot of work, and involves other people, to get it right. This means wasted time (since we don't perceive a benefit to a title slide) and, on the margin, it means that our videos will be older, more stale, and more mediocre (more cooks in the kitchen).
  3. Title slides delay the "time to a wow moment".
  4. It likely leads to inconsistencies. All title slides that we're currently showing on our site should be the same, if we are showing title slides. So, they'd all need to have the same layout, tone/voice of copy, timing, etc. It adds a large burden of maintenance that we don't want to take on.

If you really think your video needs one, ask for help in the #marketing channel (and cite this handbook section and explain why you need one).

Adding a screenshot

Screenshot apps